Xpress Super Pty Ltd (Xpress Super) is a specialist SMSF Administrator and an associated company to SuperGuardian Pty Ltd (SuperGuardian), a chartered accounting firm. Xpress Super provides a low cost SMSF service by utilising specific products that have been carefully selected to provide data automation and a significant level of efficiency. The productivity gains are then passed on to the client by way of a significantly discounted flat fee
Copyright © Xpress Super 2022
Disclaimer: Xpress Super Pty Ltd (“Xpress”) is an authorised representative (AR No. 1298901) of SuperGuardian (AFSL No. 485643). Any information that is financial product advice is provided by Xpress. The advice provided is general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. The advice provided has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and because of this you should, before acting on it, consider the appropriateness of it having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should carefully read and consider any product disclosure statement that is relevant to any financial product that has been discussed before making any decision about whether to acquire the financial product. Please refer to Xpress’ FSG https://www.xpresssuper.com.au/download/fact_sheets/Financial-Services-Guide.pdf for contact information and information about remuneration and associations with product issuers.
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